Hello people of Newgrounds and the people who were so kind to follow me on Newgrounds, I'm Chris and this is my Newgrounds page which will become more active as my University Life goes on, even after the third year, you'll expect something BIG to be revealed exclusively on this site!
Now I just want to say, sorry for the lack of any updates or any uploads as oif yet, life has been... not very kind to me with struggles with the course work and so on, I will be updating more frequently though as I wanna make Newgrounds my new home for Art from my 3D Art/Animations to my 2D Animations, I wanna show you all my work.
So far I'm working to completing my First Semester of Year 1 of my University Course, which I'm sure I can get done by Wednesday and focus all my efforts towards making fun stuff for you all!
Another update will be arriving sometime in December after my 2nd Assignments are all handed in so stay tuned for that!
- Chris