Novice Animator
3D & 2D Artist
University Student

Christopher @ZoomToon

Age 30, Male


Belfast School of Arts

Northern Ireland, Belfast

Joined on 10/1/22

Exp Points:
1,644 / 1,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.48 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1y 11m 8d

ZoomToon's News

Posted by ZoomToon - 2 days ago

Major Project -

So I just went to the induction day and got started on building the pitch idea of my final animated short film which I'm hoping to make it around 3 minutes long and I will be releasing the short on YouTube first, then here second but after I fully left College which means it might not release on here until June 2025, but it will feature a scene that won't be in the YouTube release!

It's going to be a Horror Comedy and I hope to release it in May 2025, with the Newgrounds release on June 1st, 2025.



Posted by ZoomToon - 7 days ago

Been testing out ZBrush for iPad on my iPad Pro (M4) and I've been having a lot of fun with it!

Went out for the day to get away from the house and distractions to work on it and this is what I came up with;


Took a bit of getting used to on iPad, but once I got into it I really enjoyed myself!

Also, I like making monsters so I always default into making monsters


Posted by ZoomToon - 10 days ago

Short Film Projects -

I've been trying to figure out what I want to do after University whether it be creating pilots for a few show ideas or working on other projects, but after watching Wallace & Gromit which sparked my interest into becoming an animator, I'm going to consider on making Short Films. I will be uploading them here first for a 1 Month Exclusivity, whilst a YouTube release later on, with the hopes of one day forming my own Studio.

I've always wanted to make my own Animation Studio Company like Aardman, Pixar, Dreamworks and Studio Ghibli (And Studio Trigger), so making short films instead of just adding onto the mountain of Independantly made shows on YouTube, I felt as though we need more Short Films.

30 Minute Film -

I want to make one long film that last for 30 Minutes as a way of showing off the skills I learnt whilst making the short films (which will last around 15 - 20 Minutes) and if the 30 Minute film does well, I might continue to make 1 Half Hour long film a year followed by a few short films, they don't even need to be connected.

My University Project will fit in with my short film project plan, so again expect that to pop up on here sometime next year in 2025.



Posted by ZoomToon - 12 days ago

I've been away from this site for a while now and I feel like I need to come back more often, so here's the plan;

  • I will be finishing University soon in 2025, so get ready to see some behind the scenes stuff after I'm done
  • I'm currently working on a Pilot Project that won't release until May or August 2026, seeing how it'll overlap with my finals project.
  • I will be learning how to 2D Animate as a part time gig
  • Posting more art I make over the next couple of months
  • Bi-daily Posts about what's going on

So yeah nothing much but I'm making this site my permanet home for my animation work and art in general.

My plans moving forward is to go as an indepandant Animator, so expect me to open a Patreon soon and I will be focusing on SFW content in the meantime (But I'm not against also doing NSFW, just need to brush up on that).



Posted by ZoomToon - January 17th, 2024

So I just wanted to show you guys the stages of my character model as I was developing her for my University Project:

  • Blockout Stage


This was when I started creating a basic blockout of the character using basic shapes and no features yet (that comes much later), and this block out I made in Blender to help me get an understand of her anatomy which would then lead me to the next stage of the development, sculpting.

  • Sculpting in ZBrush


Whilst I was adding the details to the model, I also worked on the head and chest regions the most as I really wanted to make sure the anatomy was perfeect before I decided on pushing further on into the development of the character. The face gave me a lot of bother when sculpting due to the eyes and lips, but as I studied the human face more, specifically the Female face, I finally blocked out the facial structure and got the face I wanted.

These later pictures are when I imported the model over to Blender to Retopologize the model, which was relaxing, if a bit boring at times.

  • Retypology


With the model fully retopo'd, I was actually able to use the chest retopo to make her shirt, which helped the UV unwrap for that go a LOT easier, which I will show you next with the Textured Model which I used Substance Painter for. I don't wanna bore you guys about my retopo process but it was basically the same as many artists, just going from the face downwards.

  • Textured Model


You might be wondering why she keeps having hair in one render, and none in the other, it's mainly because I put the hair and even the tail fin in later on before I exported the model to Unreal Engine 5 for the final Render.

The shirt is actually a reused Japanese 7/11 bag as the character is from Japan as she's based on the Asian Sea Snake, wanted to give her some cool background lore like she wants to mimmick humans because her species never wore clothes.

The final Render was done mainly in Unreal Engine 5 and I do have a full portfolio on my ArtStation account if anyone is interested in that as well ^^

Anyways, this was just going to be a pretty brief talk about my process and I hope you guys likeed it!


Posted by ZoomToon - July 20th, 2023

I started learning Blender again, and I learnt how to do some really cool stuff like making my own Smart Materials for models iu_1027800_11980904.webp

This is one I worked on yesterday, the model isn't mine but I did the Ambient Occulsion for the Smart Material myself and had a lot of fun working on it ^^

I'll be posting a model using this techinique soon, sometime later TODAY


Posted by ZoomToon - July 8th, 2023

So Elon Musk scared me full off of Twitter now..... WELP!

I'm going to start reviving this account as I've finally finished my first year of University which took a massive tool on me and I need a lot of time to work on new stuff for this account.

Last thing I uploaded was the animation my team worked on for Uni and it was pretty mid, but for Year 2 I hope to improve a LOT, that means new animations, new art work and possibly a reveal of an Newgrounds EXCLUSIVE Animated Movie I will be working on for the next 2 years, mind you it will be short (around 30 minutes) but it'll be a lot of fun to release some exclusive content to this platform!

So here I will sort out what you'll be getting from me this month and next month;

  • New Character Models (Roughly 4 to 5 Character models
  • New 2D Artwork (Expect more of that, around 10 a month)
  • New Daily Updates

Daily Updates will basically be mean giving you all some heads up on anything I'm working on, right now I'm wanting to create a character specifically to just learn ZBrush, so looking out for that sometime this month.

Before I bounce, I want to say to Newgrounds, thank you for still being here for us Indie Artists and Animators, you are our safety net from the tyrannt known as Twitter, Tumblr and YouTube.


Posted by ZoomToon - March 1st, 2023

So I haven't been posting as much as I'd like on here but it's mainly due to lack of focus on both my University and Personal Work, but by the end of this week I will change that!

Currently, I'm going to finish up some course work for my first Assignment which will take me like 2 hours to finish and then a Pre-Visual for my Group Project along side some concept art and sketches which will go onto my Uni Blog they gave us.

So by May I should have all my stuff done and sorted, which means I will be focusing on my Personal Summer Project, which is a series of 3D Sculpts with Environments that tells a short story of a World I'm building.

Got the idea from a really awesome YouTube Channel named Gameyy Builds, who is creating a world with their sculptures they make out of kitbashed stuff.

I will reveal some information about the idea along with a poster which I hope to finish in late June, it'll be something to help my brain work on Character Design, Hard Surface Modeling, World Building and even creativity, which is the most important part.

Anyways guys, I hope you all have a great day/night and see you all soon!


Posted by ZoomToon - February 20th, 2023


Apologies for the lack of... well anything really, but I'm be so preoccupid with University and personal health reasons, but I'm back FULL TIME this time.

Twitter has been going down hill as of late so I decided that maybe Newgrounds might be my best bet to leave a Fake freedom of speech platform for a more open and accepting platform where poltics dies on contact and the only thing people fight over is whether a furry girl has to have biggers breasts or bigger feet.

I'm glad to be back and I hope you'll b enjoying future content from me



Posted by ZoomToon - November 13th, 2022


Hello people of Newgrounds and the people who were so kind to follow me on Newgrounds, I'm Chris and this is my Newgrounds page which will become more active as my University Life goes on, even after the third year, you'll expect something BIG to be revealed exclusively on this site!

Now I just want to say, sorry for the lack of any updates or any uploads as oif yet, life has been... not very kind to me with struggles with the course work and so on, I will be updating more frequently though as I wanna make Newgrounds my new home for Art from my 3D Art/Animations to my 2D Animations, I wanna show you all my work.

So far I'm working to completing my First Semester of Year 1 of my University Course, which I'm sure I can get done by Wednesday and focus all my efforts towards making fun stuff for you all!

Another update will be arriving sometime in December after my 2nd Assignments are all handed in so stay tuned for that!


  • Chris
