So I just wanted to show you guys the stages of my character model as I was developing her for my University Project:
- Blockout Stage
This was when I started creating a basic blockout of the character using basic shapes and no features yet (that comes much later), and this block out I made in Blender to help me get an understand of her anatomy which would then lead me to the next stage of the development, sculpting.
- Sculpting in ZBrush
Whilst I was adding the details to the model, I also worked on the head and chest regions the most as I really wanted to make sure the anatomy was perfeect before I decided on pushing further on into the development of the character. The face gave me a lot of bother when sculpting due to the eyes and lips, but as I studied the human face more, specifically the Female face, I finally blocked out the facial structure and got the face I wanted.
These later pictures are when I imported the model over to Blender to Retopologize the model, which was relaxing, if a bit boring at times.
- Retypology
With the model fully retopo'd, I was actually able to use the chest retopo to make her shirt, which helped the UV unwrap for that go a LOT easier, which I will show you next with the Textured Model which I used Substance Painter for. I don't wanna bore you guys about my retopo process but it was basically the same as many artists, just going from the face downwards.
- Textured Model
You might be wondering why she keeps having hair in one render, and none in the other, it's mainly because I put the hair and even the tail fin in later on before I exported the model to Unreal Engine 5 for the final Render.
The shirt is actually a reused Japanese 7/11 bag as the character is from Japan as she's based on the Asian Sea Snake, wanted to give her some cool background lore like she wants to mimmick humans because her species never wore clothes.
The final Render was done mainly in Unreal Engine 5 and I do have a full portfolio on my ArtStation account if anyone is interested in that as well ^^
Anyways, this was just going to be a pretty brief talk about my process and I hope you guys likeed it!